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Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.

Today's Gospel: Matthew 22:1-14

The king prepared a great banquet yet those invited were too busy to attend, having other priorities. How often are we distracted by earthly problems? Our careers? Money? Even our own families? How often do we procrastinate on having a relationship with Christ, saying not today, but another day?

To enter His wedding banquet as His spouse, we must be prepared to enter as a full participant, clothed in the righteous deeds that grow from having true faith. After we die, we will take with us only the fruits of our labor, rather than any material possessions. The wedding garment in which we dress will be a reflection of our good (and bad) deeds.

In our world today, we are blessed with the banquet of the Holy Mass, the epitome of heaven on earth. What a celebration we are invited to! We must prioritize the Sabbath as God's holy day. Think of the martyrs who gave everything to attend Mass or defend Christ's name above all things. Would you risk your life for Christ? Or to be poor, crippled, blind, or lame -- conditions in which we we may more readily recognize our dependency on Christ?




Do your priorities tend to be earthly or heavenly?



Lord, You invite us to Your banquet; may we be wise to accept Your invitation!


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We are blessed with the banquet of the Holy Mass, the epitome of heaven on earth. What a celebration we are invited to! #DailyGospel


Daily Gospel 4

Copyright 2023 Alexia Dallara-Marsh