Is your child a budding filmmaker? Then you simply have to check out Meet Me At The Corner, a free video podcasting service where kids can take a "virtual field trip" or share their own corner of the world by submitting video and having it turned into a nifty video podcast for others to view online.
I must be needing a field trip, because I had a great time today visiting their website and watching many of the kid produced videos. I think this would be a super resource for classroom, religious education teachers, or for homeschooling families who'd like to try a different approach to learning. Why not hand the kids a camera and see what they can come up with? It's free to register and they give very helpful tips on filming and uploading videos.
About the Author

Lisa M. Hendey
Lisa M. Hendey is the founder of, a bestselling author and an international speaker. A frequent radio and television guest, Hendey travels internationally giving workshops on faith, family, and communications. Visit Lisa at, on her Substack at, or on social media @LisaHendey for information on her speaking schedule or to invite her to visit your group, parish, school or organization. Find Lisa’s books on her Amazon author page.