warnerMatthew Warner of the wonderful FallibleBlogma.com has compiled a great list of 100 noted Catholic speakers and is inviting readers' votes for their favorites of the year.  I am so completely humbled by my inclusion on this list among such wonderful giants of our faith as Fr. Corapi and Dr. Scott Hahn.  I invite you to visit Matthew's blog and vote for your top ten favorites - I had a difficult time limiting myself to only ten!!

When I think back on the year 2009 and my wonderful experiences hearing Catholic speakers this year, many stand out for me.  Fr. Dave Dwyer, Danielle Bean and Patrick Madrid at this year's Catholic New Media Celebration were incredible!  At this year's Congress in Anaheim, I was able to hear Mark Hart, Fr. Jim Martin, and Dave Durand - three of my absolute heroes.  I've never had the pleasure of hearing Fr. Corapi or Dr. Hahn (or his incredible wife Kimberly Hahn) in person - those names remain on my wish list!!  And of course, I have to give props to my SQPN family, Fr. Roderick, Dr. Paul Camarata, Jeff Young, Joe McClane, Fr. Leo and Greg and Jennifer Willits.

This list is also a terrific resource if you are looking for a speaker for your parish or organization event.  Thanks again to Matthew Warner for coming up with this idea!

Who is the best Catholic speaker of 2009?