Best wishes to CatholicTV for their upcoming annual telethon - if you love Catholic music, this sounds like a perfect opportunity to tune in and catch some of your favorites, or discover new talent you've never known before. Thanks to my friend Chris from CatholicTV for sharing this information:
Numerous Catholic artists will donate their time and talents in support of their faith at the annual CatholicTV telethon. These musicians include Vince Ambrosetti, who was invited to perform at Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta's funeral Mass. Also to perform will be Michael John Poirier, who has produced 10 CD's. All musicians will perform on a volunteer basis. CatholicTV is a non-profit corporation.
CatholicTV is a nationally-broadcasted television network headquartered near Boston. CatholicTV streams its broadcast simultaneously, 24 hours a day at
The CatholicTV telethon is one of the most unique live television broadcasts in the nation. It is unique because it involves an almost unheard-of 12 hours of live television made possible through large amounts of coffee and dedication to the faith. The telethon will air on September 25th and 26th from 9AM to 9PM each day. Some musicians perform live while other performances are previously recorded.
Below are notable singers along with the times of their performances on the CatholicTV telethon (all time are Eastern). Musicians include but are not limited to: Michael John Poirier, Tom Snow, Kitty Cleveland, Gabriel Rivera, STANN, Paul Melley, Anne DiSanto, Vince Ambrosetti, Susan Glancy, Susan Bailey, Terry Donilon, Diana Doyle, Fr. Chris Hickey, Fr. Paul Rouse, Heather Waxman, and Anne Marie David. Not all performances are listed below:
Friday, September 25th
11:30am- Michael John Poirier- Singer from Oklahoma, has released 10 music CD's, a storytelling CD, an advent CD and a special interview CD just for men. He uses his music and storytelling as he travels around the country conducting evenings of prayer-songs and Eucharistic adoration.
12:20pm Tom Snow- Tom is a jazz pianist, performer, and arranger. He has performed in the US, Canada, the Caribbean and Australia. A native of Maine, Tom has produced three CD's.
1:10pm Kitty Cleveland-Award-winning singer, songwriter and speaker has been performing for over 25 years around the country and at the Vatican.
2:00pm Gabriel Rivera- actor and singer who has toured the country performing songs from his debut CD.
2:50pm STANN- band of former members of St. Ann University parish performing a wide variety of musical stylings with a variety of guest soloists.
5:50 Paul Melley- Paul has performed throughout the United States, Canada, and Europe including two World Youth
7:05 Anne DiSanto- credits include "Year Of Hope" selected by Pope John Paul II as a Papal anthem, "Flame Of Liberty", a 9-11 tribute used for Veteran's fundraising efforts.
7:50 Vince Anbrosetti- singer and mission leader. Vince has recorded numerous CD's.
Saturday September 26th
10:50 am Susan Glancy- singer, flutist and vocal coach. She has been trained at the Boston conservatory.
11:45 am Susan Bailey- writer, blogger, speaker, singer and songwriter.
12:30pm Terry Donilon- currently sings in a choral group in Rhode Island. He brings his powerful and beautiful voice to the Telethon stage once again.
1:10pm Diana Doyle- a cantor at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross.
3pm Fr. Hickey and Fr. Rouse- Host and co-host of the very popular series Going my Way with Fr. Chris Hickey.
4:40pm Heather Waxman- will be singing with a children's choir as well as performing some popular selections.
5:50pm Anne Marie David- one of the talented organists from the daily Mass.
About CatholicTV:
CatholicTV provides family-friendly, religious, news, and educational programming 24 hours daily. Founded over 50 years ago, CatholicTV is available in selected areas on cable in the United States and Canada, via Sky Angel and online via a live stream anytime, everywhere at the station's web site Father Robert Reed, a priest of the Archdiocese of Boston, is the Director of CatholicTV. Click here to paste this into your browser to find out how to watch CatholicTV where you live:
About the Author

Lisa M. Hendey
Lisa M. Hendey is the founder of, a bestselling author and an international speaker. A frequent radio and television guest, Hendey travels internationally giving workshops on faith, family, and communications. Visit Lisa at, on her Substack at, or on social media @LisaHendey for information on her speaking schedule or to invite her to visit your group, parish, school or organization. Find Lisa’s books on her Amazon author page.