Reflection on the Daily Readings for 10/15/09 by Fr. Bertrand Buby, SM

Today’s Readings

Scripture: Lectionary # 470. Romans 3:21-29. Psalm 130:1-2.3-4.5-6. Luke

Parallels are very helpful for meditating on Scripture or for listening
carefully to the word of God when we participate in the liturgy.  They help
us to deepen our biblical appreciation and our prayer.  Usually, we need
time before the liturgy to look over the texts to see the parallels.  The
homilist cannot do everything that we need on a given day. Our input is
necessary.  We need to be givers as well as takers when it comes to sharing
the word of God.  Paul and Jesus are reasoning and proclaiming God's word
along the same lines today; the Psalm response gives us another mantra for
tying things together in a prayerful response.

Both Paul and Jesus are telling us about the righteousness of God and the
judgments of God in our own personal history which is bound up within God's
salvific plan for us.  The Scriptures are salvation history. Our
meditations, the homily, and our own rereading and praying the texts is the
way in which we are able to discern how God works within our lives on a
daily basis. This is part of salvation history for God is personally
involved with each one of us whether we realize it or not; whether we like
it or not and,whether we try to hide from God or are open and transparent
to God.

Paul gives us his central thought for today in writing this: "All are now
undeservedly justified by the gift of God, through the redemption wrought
in Christ Jesus." He speaks this in the light of his conversion experience
of the Risen One and posits this as the foundation piece of living faith
for the Christian.

Luke in the narrative part of today's selection ends with a summary of the
scene by telling us that Jesus' words produce a fierce hostility toward him
from the religious leaders and lawyers. They now are out to set traps for
Jesus in their questioning his authority.  Both Paul and Jesus are asking
us today to realize our need to accept the redemption God gives as gift and
to turn away from our selfishness in thought, word, or action. This calls
for a complete renewal on our part daily by developing a faith of the
heart, mind, and soul.  We may feel the tension caused by both Paul and
Jesus' words, therefore, we need the help of the Psalm and its response as
it reminds us that "with the Lord there is mercy and fullness of
redemption."  Paul has reminded us of justification by faith; Jesus reminds
us to realize our mistakes of the past by thwarting God's plan as seen in
the prophets and the holy ones who went before us. Jesus calls us to being
righteous through our deeds and through a change of heart and mind. Amen.