IMG00039-20100107-0941A huge thank you to my friends at Ave Maria Press, Tom Grady and Amanda Williams, for sharing the following photos of The Handbook for Catholic Moms coming to life on the printing press!  Amanda is the cutie you see here showing off the cover of the book!

So many people have done so much work to contribute to this book - I have so many people to thank for getting to this point!  We will soon have a full book section here on the website, but I want to take this moment to thank all of our sidebar contributors, the team at Ave Maria Press, all of my online friends who contributed quotes, stories and moral support during the writing process, and especially my family who puts up with a crazy wife/mom/daughter/sister/auntie 24-7.

The book is now available for pre-order in the following places:

I hope you enjoy these photos and that you'll consider purchasing the book for yourself or your favorite Catholic mom!