mcnichol_hughToday, we welcome new columnist Hugh McNichol.  Hugh is an experienced writer and blogger who will join us weekly to share his perspective.

The United States Supreme Court decision in Roe vs. Wade gave quite realistically a blanket permission for anyone seeking an abortion the ease and availability to do so. In the ensuing years since the infamous decision, the Catholic Church in the United States has mounted strong protests in Washington, D.C. to commemorate this tragic decision by the wise justices of the Supreme Court. Every year, countless groups of Pro-life advocates descend on the nation’s capitol to express our most strongly held affirmation on the dignity of all human life, and its right to life from conception until natural death. Public demonstrations and peaceful protests against this momentous decision is only part of the successful campaign to successfully achieve an overturn of this decision. The other part of successful influence over this anti-life decision is the fervent development of prayer, and prayer, and even more prayer. For the most part we underestimate the power of prayer. Sometimes we equate prayer as just old fashioned, or a quaint Catholic tradition that was practices by our grandparents. However, never underestimate the beneficial results of prayer, especially the prayer offered universally by Catholics in the form of a good old rosary. Marian intervention is critical to prayer that intends to reverse the ignominy of this crime against the human person, abortion.

mcnichol_hugh_roeMost of the Catholics united in the United States cannot attend the March for Life and participate in the protests in Washington, D.C. in a physical manner. They can however attend and join our brothers and sisters in prayer. As part of our peaceful Catholic intentions to protest the injustices of Roe vs. Wade find your rosary, commit some time and pray wholeheartedly with the Universal Church for the demise of the sinful act of abortion in the United States and throughout the world. We have an essential responsibility as Catholics to defend human life and it’s sanctity on every level. That included prenatal as well as post natal development. Remember, the in uteri children are helpless to help themselves or offer an argument that defends their rights to life. We as faithful and concerned Catholics are the voices for the unborn…what a better way to express our solidarity and unity in our beliefs than praying the Rosary and seeking Mary’s maternal protection and intervention with Jesus to eliminate this horror against humanity that exceeds even the most horrendous crimes during the Second World War.

Abortion is a crime and sin against all humanity. As Catholics we need to utilize all of the resources at our disposal, natural, spiritual and supernatural to bring about reconciliation and healing of this global injustice against the dignity of all human life. We have heard it very often over the past decades, but it is worth always repeating again and again, pray for an overturning of the Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion in the United States. Catholic social activism includes prayer, sacrifice, Eucharist and most importantly actions…use the persuasive power of the Catholic ballot box, effect Catholic political influence and vote against all political and social injustices that are anti-Catholic and contrary to natural law…and most of all pray always for Divine assistance and intervention against this intrinsically immoral and unethical decision against human life.

This year, all Catholics and peoples of faith need to mark the anniversary of this egregious Supreme Court decision with prayers, supplications and Holy Eucharist in order to continue the healing and forgiveness process that continues to develop in the United States. All faithful men and women need to make even more fervent prayers that this civilly permissible offense against all of humanity will soon be deemed once again illegal and impermissible.

Pray for the unborn, pray for the many women (and men) that have suffered this tragedy and pray for prayerful conversion for all peoples to celebrate Life and not condemn the innocent unborn.

Copyright 2010 Hugh McNichol