When I started reading Finding Frances by Janice Van Dyck, I did not like Frances very much.  I didn’t like the relationship that she seemed to have with her children.

As I read more, I began to see who Frances was and why she behaved the way she did.  I began to respect her son as he tried to see that his mother would be able to die with dignity.  The story explores Frances’ relationships with each of her three children as well as her husband.  You begin to see that she really does that know them and wants them to be able to go on without her.

I think Finding Frances emphasized the need for us all to have a living will, and to make our wishes concerning our final care known.  It also helps one to look as death as a natural part of our lives, and not something we should fear.  The other lesson I learned from the book was the important part Hospice does to help with the end of life process.  The book lets the reader really look at and think about quality of life and decisions regarding treatment in terminally ill persons.

I can’t say Finding Frances was an "easy" book to read, but I feel that I benefited from reading it.

Reviewed by AMB

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