Reflection on Today’s Daily Readings by Fr. Bertrand Buby, SM

Today’s Readings

Scripture: Lectionary 476. Ephesians 3:14-21. Psalm 33:1-2.4-5.11-12.18-19.
Luke 12:49-53.

Prayer, thanksgiving and praise to God, and Jesus' desire are words that
summarize what the Scriptures for today's liturgy offer us as food for our
journey with the Lord up to Jerusalem and into the kingdom. Paul opens up
the day's reading with an awesome and reverent prayer that speaks for
itself. We need not analyze it nor consult exegetes; it is pure prayer and
only our faith is necessary when we find such a passage in the letters of
Paul or those attributed to him. We see that he addresses all three
persons of the Trinity and gives us two of the theological virtues that
relate to the Father, the Christ, and the Spirit. An Amen brings the
prayer to a conclusion and we see that prayer need not be long and drawn
out if we have a faith-filled heart and desire to pray as Paul does. Prayer
is like our breathing. We often pray without realizing it, but when we
pray as Paul does we are enlightened, warmed, and consoled. This prayer is
similar to the famous chapter on praying in the Spirit that is found in
chapter eight of Romans. The two are similar in spirit and zealous
devotion to God. Rereading this several times this day will help us
surmount any difficulties we are facing in a spirit of trust in God's
providential and benificent love for us. We need, from time to time, to
give our minds a rest and just let the prayer flow as Paul does.

Psalm 33 is also a great psalm of praise and thanksgiving. It is positive
and confident while expressing absolute trust in God who is Lord of
salvation history. This psalm is a new song sung in the Temple in
Jerusalem on Mount Zion. It gives to us who join in praying or singing it
(praying twice!) a real sense of belonging to God's people. The goodness of
God exudes from it. Bonum diffusivum sibi. The good flows out of its

Desire is the fire in Jesus' heart as he thinks of his impossible mission
of dying on a cross to give us salvific love and everlasting happiness.
His purpose burns within him for it is doing the will of the Father who
sent him and to whom he will return. Nothing can stop him and he will
disturb the false peace of those who think they control the world. The
fire and desire springs from the love of the Father and the Son with the
Holy Spirit being that bond of Personal Love. Bonum diffusivum sibi. These
Latin words come from Saint Thomas Aquinas in his Summa Theologica
( literally the "Good diffuses itself."). Amen.