That’s all you need; stationary, stamps and a pen, to say thank you, to brighten a day, to bring encouragement, support and love to those you know. The art of writing thank you notes has almost expired completely. Email and texting have become so easy that to sit down with a pen and some stationary just seems like too much trouble.

I read a motivational book recently that talked about thank you cards. Not just how good it makes someone else feel to receive that card but how physically writing positive messages soothes our souls. So I thought to myself I want to send some thank you cards to people who do not expect them. We expect a thank you card after we have given a gift to someone. We expect Christmas Cards at Christmas time (I love Christmas Cards). What we don’t expect is to find a simple card in the mail in between all the bills and ads that says "You are a great person, thank you for being my friend."

So I decided to write a few thank you cards to people I know go so unnoticed in life. Then I decided to write a few more because it felt so good to tell people things I would blush to say face to face. There are so many people I admire, who inspire me, who lift up others, who support not just me but my community, who live a kind and loving life and set the example for the rest of us. So I started writing 2 thank you cards each day. My daughter asked me "Do you think those people will thank you for your thank you card mom?" I replied "They don’t have to thank me. I just want them to know they are loved and it feels so uplifting to tell them that." Since then I have been stopped by several people hugging me and saying "What on earth made you write that note to me? That is the kindest note I have ever received, just out of the blue!" My daughter has witnessed many of those hugs. I told her just this morning after someone thanked me "You know it’s not about the hug they give me, it’s about that person feeling good about herself today." She said, "I know mom."

So I encourage you to pass on this goodness. Think of a few people you care deeply for and write them a thank you note. Think of a few people you admire that you would not feel comfortable saying it to face to face and write them a thank you note. Think of some people that you don’t know so well but you witness their good deeds and good examples and write them a thank you note. Can you just imagine what it would feel like to receive such "good news" in your mailbox handwritten by someone who sees you that way? It is worth the time, the effort and the love it takes to love those around you in a different way today. Try it!

Copyright 2010 Lori Hadorn-Disselkamp