Two weeks ago our daughter Vaughn celebrated her fourth birthday. I left work early to take cupcakes to preschool (where she spends Monday through Thursday learning and playing while I’m at work). Like all four-year olds, she was happy to share sugar with her friends—and was pleased with the enthusiastic rendition of “Happy Birthday” in her honor.

After the celebration, we headed out. I suggested we go to Starbucks to hang out and have hot chocolate before picking her second-grade brother up from school.

Vaughn: Yet’s just go home and pway for a while.
Mom: Are you sure you don’t want to go for hot chocolate?
Vaughn: Mom, yet’s go home.
Mom: Do you want to go to Target and pick out a princess for your new princess bed?
Vaughn: No.  Can we just go home and pway?

She wasn’t concerned about treats or toys (if you can believe it), she simply wanted to go home and have me all to herself, so that’s what we did. She needed some “Daughter Time.”

A child experiencing a parent’s undivided time and attention feels loved, secure and at peace. Perhaps this is something we never outgrow. Even when we’re all grown up and are the ones providing it, we need to seek it out for ourselves as well… with our Heavenly Father.

I was reminded of this at confession a few weeks ago. The penance Father assigned me was to spend five minutes of dedicated “Daughter Time” with God. He told me to let go of any worries associated with being a mother, wife, employee, parishioner, housekeeper, grocery shopper, social chairman, party planner, family calendar coordinator—and simply surround myself with the Father’s warmth and unconditional love.

In a mother’s many given roles, it can be pretty common to feel overwhelmed with responsibilities (particularly as Christmas draws near). Daughter Time can help provide the comfort, security, serenity, and strength needed to glorify him in those roles.

Just as my earthly parents have done for me so many times (thanks Mom & Dad), God will “provide cupcakes” and otherwise rejoice in special occasions with me, he’ll carry me through challenges, and he’ll generously provide his undivided attention… any time it’s requested.

A meditation to kick off Daughter Time
“The Lord is my peace. He puts me under his wing of comfort and calms my spirit within me. He takes all my anxieties on Himself and helps me focus on Him.”
—“Calm My Anxious Heart” by Linda Dillow

Copyright 2010 Julie Filby