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Lisa Hendey reflects on the beautiful devotions of praying with holy cards and offers strategies for incorporating this practice into our prayer life.

For years, I've been a collector of holy cards -- those special sacramentals which depict the lives of the saints or religious scenes and which aid us in recalling special moments in the life of the Church and in our own lives.  I recently received a wonderful email from Judi Teters, who shared her family's devotion to praying with Holy Cards.

The Teters family suggests the following ideas for praying with the aid of holy cards:

  • Of course the most important is pray with them.
  • Use the holy cards that portray the mysteries of the rosary as tools to meditate on while reciting the rosary.
  • As an art project either using three as a trifold holy card or just one, paste them on background paper/cardstock  and embellish them with a border using a gold gel pen or other art supplies.
  • Have a basket available in Adoration where one can place their extra holy card. Judi shares:"This was partly responsible for starting a St. Monica's Mass at our parish.  While living in California for a short time, I found one St. Monica Holy Card with several prayers on it.  I was inspired to do some research and found a St. Monica's Mass that has been in Chicago for many years.  After moving back to Oregon, I asked our priest if we could do the same.  He agreed.  The first Saturday of each month, there's a basket in the vestibule before Mass for parishoners to place names of their loved ones who have left the Faith.  This basket is brought up at collection and prayed for.  After Mass the names are brought to the Adoration Chapel and placed in a box for prayer from Adorers."
  • Another very beautiful practice discovered by the Teters family in their travels: a construction company that collects broken rosaries, medals, other blessed sacramentals and upon the customer's request when building a home, this company places these items into the foundation.

A special thank you to Judi Teters for sharing her family's devotion to praying with holy cards. She has also kindly shared the following prayer:

O My God this day in my prayers I would remember
My mother and my father
My spouse
My children, grandchildren and godchildren
My brothers, sisters and all my relatives
Friends and benefactors
Those who I've met on my life's journey
Those who love me and those who hate me
The dying and those to die today
The poor souls in purgatory
The Holy Father and his intentions
Mother Church and all her children
All bishops, priests, brothers, sisters and deacons
My country, its' president and all its' citizens
Those who died in military service for it
Those who lost loved ones in the struggle
Those that are in our military now
The world and all its' people
All nations and all races
The sick, the poor,, the rich
The right to life of the born and unborn
The neglected, the persecuted and the enslaved
The tempted, the doubting, the despairing
Those in danger and distress
Those who asked me to pray for them
Those who I should be praying for
Men of goodwill that they may come to the fullness of faith
Men of evil ways that they may be converted
The triumph of God's Infinite Mercy in my life and in all lives

Do you collect or enjoy praying with holy cards?  How are these sacramentals a part of your life?

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Copyright 2011 Lisa M. Hendey

Images: Canva