This month of October is the month of the Rosary. I often think that I’m way too busy for the Rosary—I’ve got more important things to do. (And I make my lists . . .) That is why the Rosary is the perfect prayer for me. It pulls my attention back to Jesus and the events of his life—just like Mary in the Mary and Martha story. Praying the Rosary helps me to not be such a “Martha, Worried and Anxious about Many Things.” It helps me to remember what is the most important thing in my life. My projects and lists can wait.

In the remaining days of this month, let’s see what we can do to say this beautiful prayer more faithfully and fervently. Besides actually setting time aside during our day to say the Rosary, we can also add this prayer to other times in our day. Do you nurse a baby? Use this time to say the Rosary. Do you have short or long commutes? Do you have carpool lines? Say a decade or two. (The more the “Maryier.” Excuse the pun!) The promises for those who say the Rosary are “out of this world!” (Still another pun!) I look forward to the fulfillment of those promises for my loved ones and myself, but I also experience the peace that saying the Rosary gives me now, today.

With my family, we try to always say it on Sunday evenings. Sometimes this gets stale, and everyone seems sleepy or daydreaming. When this happens, we try to talk a little more about each mystery before the decade is prayed. Question your children: “What does this mystery mean to you?” You will be surprised at what your kids can come up with. Pictures can also help keep the mystery in focus. I have a Rosary coloring book that I let the youngest one color while we pray. Have you ever tried watching a video or listening to a CD on the Rosary while you pray? There are few to purchase and some online. We like this one from Youtube:

"Too busy to pray? Then you are too busy not to pray."

It really is a paradox. Put it all in Mary's hands and you will find your help.

Our Lady of the Rosary.
Pray for us.
Mary of Bethany.
Pray for us.
Martha of Bethany.
Really pray for us

Copyright 2011 Tami Kiser