Scripture: Lectionary 667. Revelation 7:2-4.9-14. Psalm 24: 1-2.3-4.5-6. I
John 3:1-3. Matthew 5:1-12.

Today's Readings

All Saints Day is a feast day for everyone.  As holy ones we are called to
always search for the face of God and long to be in God’s presence now and
forever. (Psalm 24:6).  We are called like those in the Book of Revelation
(the Apocalypse) to worship God alone whether we belong among the 144,000
representing the twelve tribes of Israel or whether we are throng
surrounding the throne of God with the angels and twenty-four elders.  The
symbolism of the Apocalypse calls both Jew and Gentile to be participators
with the myriads of holy ones and the angels before God’s throne. The
Apocalypse is not a scary writing but one that has a unified message
throughout, “WORSHIP GOD ALONE. “ The book of visions is addressed to the
seven Christian Churches in Asia Minor and calls all to return to searching
for the face of God. Some are doing this better than others but all are
called to be holy and to repent of those habits and attitudes that take
them away from facing the living God and walking the paths of holiness. The
call to sanctity is universal as we learn from the recent teachings of
Vatican II.  All of the People of God are called to be saints.

I John tells us why this is possible. We are “children of God.” We have the
divine imprint upon our being from the first moment of our lives (cf. Gen.
1:26-27). We are the image and likeness of God and our responsibility is to
live up to what has been given to us by our Creator who loves us beyond our

Then Jesus gives us the way to become saints and that is through the
Beatitudes given to us in today’s Gospel.  As persons who search to be
faithful disciples of the Lord we learn how to live through these wonderful
lessons called the beatitudes.  The Sermon on the Mount is not an
impossible ideal.  We are to start with living out one that is fitted to
our personality; the others will follow.  We can learn how to do this by
reading the lives of the Saints who are universally recognized.

Blessed are the poor…. St. Francis of Assisi.

Blessed are they who are the sorrowing (mourning): Our Lady of the Seven

Blessed are the lowly:   St. Theresa of the Child Jesus and the Poor of
God, the ‘Anawim of the psalms.

Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for holiness:   The hermits, St.
Anthony of the Desert

Blessed are the merciful:  St. Martin of Tours

Blessed are the Pure of Heart:  St. Maria Goretti

Blessed are the Peace Makers:  St. Catherine of Siena

Blessed are those persecuted:  The martyrs, Stephen, St. Ignatius of
Antioch, etc.

Blessed are those insulted and persecuted:  The victims of the Shoah (the
Holocaust) Amen.

We may wish to reflect on one of the beatitudes that strikes us and fits us
for this day. Each of the beatitudes has been exemplified in the saints who
have been canonized.  We, too may have a special beatitude that helps us to
see the face of God and to Worship God alone.  Amen.