One of the joys of ministering as an Archdiocesan Consultant is the blessing of meeting and witnessing the myriad expressions of faith formation that can exist in an Archdiocese the size of Los Angeles. From First Communion liturgies to parent meetings to Family Fun Nights, we are blessed with an incredible amount of talented, creative, passionate catechists, catechetical leaders, speakers, and priests!

I was privileged to attend a workshop by Dr. Paul Ford on the New Roman Missal-no whining! It was a breath of positive, albeit candid, fresh air. Over the course of three hours, we were taken on a  whirlwind tour of church history, liturgy, a glimpse behind the scenes, and anecdotes-thoughtful, often humorous, always relevant-from his decades in ministry. Generous as always, he has made his slide shows and resource materials available to the masses-pun intended-for use in educating and ministering to the flock during this time of change and transition. I encourage you to go here now (I’ll wait):

Wasn’t it wonderful? Isn’t that man GREAT? Please make use of his material, paying careful attention to his copyright requests, and go out and SPREAD THE GOOD NEWS even if it is “only” in your own Domestic Church!! Yes, we are changing some of the words, but let us use this as a time for true liturgical formation, a deepening of our own spirituality, and an embracing of our Catholic Identity.

Copyright 2011 Dione Grillo