Greetings from GracielandEditor’s Note: We kick off the New Year with more Greetings from Gracieland, a fantastic new webstrip from Jimmy Gownley and Ellen Toole Austin. Jimmy and Ellen have graciously agreed to share their talents with our readers for a feature I know your whole family will enjoy! Along with the comic, you’ll find “Table Talk”, a terrific conversation starter to share with your children. Be sure to visit the Greetings from Gracieland website at for more fun and inspiration with Gracie and join us here each Thursday morning for a new feature! LMH

Greetings from Gracieland Click to view image in full size

Gracieland Table Talk for “Mom’s Facebook Issues”

We would like to encourage you to share a family meal and Gracieland together.  Each week we will be posting some discussion starters that you can share with your family.  Share the webstrip with your kids, grab a plate, pull up a chair, and talk.

Ask your child:

Do you know what a Spiritual Work of Mercy is?

Explain that is takes many forms including: teaching others about God, giving advice, correcting people who are confused about God, forgiving others, comforting those that are hurting and praying for people.

How is Gracie’s mom trying to help others?

What can you do to help someone?  What can we do as a family?

Copyright 2011 Ellen Toole Austin and Jimmy Gownley