My friends who are Daughters of St. Paul know that I'm a bit of a Pauline groupie, and while I don't think I've ever had the pleasure of meeting Sister Rose Pacatte in person, I have heard her speak numerous times and her videos never cease to entertain me. I know that she's a film buff, that she has a hilarious sense of humor, and that she's a Hollywood insider.

What I didn't know is that Sister Rose lives with MS and the neurological complications that accompany it. This week, she is inviting all of us to support her and her fellow Daughters of St. Paul by voting for her video "My Brain Story" as a part of he 2012 Neuro Film Festival from the American Academy of Neurology Foundation at Winning the festival would help provide needed funds for Sister Rose's treatment.

To support Sister Rose, simply go to and register for a free account, find Sister Rose's video, and place your vote. I will share the video here, so you can get a little taste of Sister Rose's charm and winning attitude. Please keep her and all of the women who have devoted their lives to service through the consecrated life in your prayers.

Video Link