“Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord” Luke 19:38

The scriptures tell us that our God has many names including King, Lord and Prince of Peace.

My favorite is King.

The image brings to mind an insight that “Sarah”, my Downs syndrome daughter shared with me years ago. That morning, she was sitting at the kitchen table paging through a book of illustrated fairy tales. Wearing pink-framed glasses, she was about 8 years old.

“Mom…I’m the child of a…a…great king” she stuttered.

I was preoccupied. As I made her breakfast, I kept thinking about my to-do list for the day.

“How do you know?” I asked.

“Because…I…I…am wearing an invisible crown.” She answered.

Even though Sarah was limited in every way, she understood an important truth that Jesus imparts to each of us.

We are all children of a great king.

During these days of Lent, claim your identity. In the name of your King, wear your crown proudly.

For additional Lenten Reflections, visit Loyola Press’ Daily 3 Minute Retreat

Copyright 2012 Nancy Jo Sullivan