God-SlackerWhen asked the hope for the day on a recent Faith Filled Mom Retreat one great mom said “I have been a God-Slacker, is that even a word? I want to get back to God.” I loved that saying a God-slacker. Are you a God-Slacker? Did you have a great relationship with Him at one point and then life just happened and everything else took priority over God? Does your job and career get in the way, working the weekends no time for church? Does your schedule for your kid’s sports and extracurricular activities interfere with prayer groups or possible prayer opportunities? Does the hectic pace of life just make you so crazy you are on the verge of a break down because you never stop moving?

God slacking does more than make you feel guilty. God slacking makes you fall away from the foundation that gives you “that rope you need to hang on to when you have nothing left to give.” God slacking makes you more confused, stressed out and lost than anything else in our world today.

I had an awesome friend in college who was extremely close to God. She went through premed and is now a psychiatrist. She would call me when she was overwhelmed and lost. She would ask me “Lori, what can I do to make this better?” I would always ask “When did you pray last? When did you read the Bible? When was the last time that you went to the park and just had some alone time with God?” She would always hang up the phone and do it. Then call me a few days later and say “Thanks, for the reminder I couldn’t figure why everything was off balance but you know me well. I just needed God back in my life.”

God slacking knocks us off our game. When our foundation is not beneath our feet then what can we stand on? God gives us balance. God gives us peace. God gives us guidance. God at the center and core of who we are gives us purpose.

Today, you can stop being a God-Slacker by just saying a prayer to God. It’s that easy!

Copyright 2012 Lori Hadorn-Disselkamp