We help share the good news about books almost every day here at CatholicMom.com, but rarely have I been so happy about spreading the word on a new release. Perhaps that's because the author I'm featuring today, Sarah A. Reinhard, is such a dear friend and such an important part of our family here at the website.
Catholic Family Fun: A Guide for the Adventurous, Overwhelmed, Creative or Clueless is a terrific resource for any family. When asked to write an endorsement of Sarah's book, I shared:
Catholic Family Fun is guaranteed to deliver smiles to your family members’ faces, great memories to their hearts, and a love of faith to their souls. Sarah Reinhard has designed the perfect resource for today’s busy families who desire to share Catholic traditions in meaningful, creative, and yet practical ways. Packed with crafts, games, stories, special meals, and endless ideas for bringing the faith to life in any home, Catholic Family Fun is the perfect gift for your domestic church. Sarah’s joy is infectious and this treasure is sure to draw your family closer to each other and to Christ.
Sarah's brand and faith and fun is the type I want to foster and encourage in my own home. It's the kind that delights in things like having a water family water fight and seeing the connection to the symbolism of water in our faith, or playing pantomime and acting out your favorite bible scene. Sarah's brand of family fun bakes cookies shaped like St. Lucy's eyes and makes a date for teatime with God.
Passing along the gift of our faith to our children is the most serious responsibility you and I will bear in our Domestic Church. I learned from my own parents that catechetical lessons are learned in many venues -- in Church, yes -- but also on camping trips, at the beach, and even in the back seat of the family station wagon. With Catholic Family Fun, Sarah offers tons of terrific ideas to get your family started with this type of perspective. Each activity she has listed is not only fun, but also easy to pull off (which is important!), and also includes a "faith angle" section to help you see the relationship of the activity to our faith. Your children of any age will love Sarah's activities, and you'll learn along the way too. Another beauty of Sarah's book is that it gives a great jumping off point to share your faith with friends and other family members who may not know the joy of Christ in their lives. It's also a perfect resource for teachers and catechists looking for fun and creative ideas to use in their classrooms.
Sarah is giving our CatholicMom.com readers yet another gift: the chance for you to help spread the word about Catholic Family Fun and to win a brand new Kindle Touch in the process. Click here to learn about and enter that giveaway.
As we approach the more relaxed and unschedule months of Spring and Summer, I encourage you to add Catholic Family Fun: A Guide for the Adventurous, Overwhelmed, Creative or Clueless to your family library. But don't leave this book sitting on a shelf. It's one that deserves a permanent spot on the kitchen counter. If used properly, it will probably be graced with fingerpaint smudges, muddy spots, and cookie dough. I plan to write the dates in our book when we do Sarah's recommended activities, and to include a few notes on what we learned and special memories of the fun we enjoyed.
Just like my friendship with Sarah has done for me, Catholic Family Fun is destined to bring you boatloads of smiles and to draw your hearts closer to Christ.
Purchase Catholic Family Fun and support CatholicMom.com with your order
Copyright 2012 Lisa M. Hendey
About the Author
Lisa M. Hendey
Lisa M. Hendey is the founder of CatholicMom.com, a bestselling author and an international speaker. A frequent radio and television guest, Hendey travels internationally giving workshops on faith, family, and communications. Visit Lisa at LisaHendey.com or on social media @LisaHendey for information on her speaking schedule or to invite her to visit your group, parish, school or organization. Visit Lisa's author page on Amazon.com.