As Catholics, we believe in the beautiful gift of the "Communion of Saints". Thus, when the Church canonizes someone and proclaims them a "Saint" in heaven, we can be assured of that person's intercession; by virtue of the fact that they lived a life "for Christ", on earth.

The Lord allows His Church-Victorious to send "showers of roses" and "blessings" upon those of us still
tarrying along the way.

The same is true when our loved ones die.

Though, without the official Church canonization, we are not free to proclaim anyone a "Saint", we can, in confidence, ask our deceased loved ones for prayer; for, whether they are in purgatory, or heaven, their "mission" continues as they aid us in our journeys through their intercessory prayers.

This should bring  you great comfort. When you lose a loved one and must strive to live on without them in your life, you needn't feel alone, abandoned, or afraid...for they are still with you; praying to Jesus, on your behalf and for your family.

Our loved ones also remain with us "in spirit". Their legacy lives on in our lives.
The lessons they imparted, the wisdom shared...the love.
We can treasure it, remember it, and honor it, by sharing it with others.

Today marks the one year anniversary of my own father's death.

I know he prays for me.

I know that God allows me to "commune" with him.

This recent post expresses the honor and privilege I feel in being his daughter.

Thank God, today, for your loved ones, gone before you, in faith. They are with you, in spirit.

Copyright 2012 Judy Dudich