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I have had my eye on this week's Board of the Week since it was launched eight weeks ago with this awesome Mother Angelica pin.  As an author, a voracious reader and a lover of words and saints, Quotables by Ignatius Press is a win-win-win proposition when it comes to finding great pins. In truth, all of Ignatius' boards are winners, but this fantastic combination of stunning photographs accompanied by "must remember" quotations is a magical formula. My favorite pins on the Quotables board include St. Gianna Beretta Molla and St. Teresa of Avila. Follow Quotables and you'll be treated to a steady stream of verbal prowess by some of the Church's greatest luminaries. Way to go Ignatius Press - keep on pinning!

Click to follow "Quotables" by Ignatius Press

And here's this week's tip of the week from Allison Girone of the Catholic Pinterest Group Board who has kindly agreed to offer a weekly pointer for us on how to use some best practices to enjoy and effectively employ Pinterest:

Make Pinterest work for you. Let it be your filing cabinet. Make boards of things you need to remember and want to catalog. Create a Favorite music board and add YouTube performances. Separate it by classical, hard rock, by decade. Make your own top 10 lists. Create a board that's all about the year you were born or exciting things from THIS year.  Need to learn something, create a board for it with articles and how-to videos. Create a mystery board. In the description ask followers to see if they can figure out what you're getting at with the pins you pin...Charades!

If you’re a Catholic using Pinterest, please drop a link in the comments below to share your boards. Also, I’d love to hear about why you love Pinterest and how you think this latest craze might be used to spread the Good News.

Lisa M. Hendey loves Pinterest and can be found at

Pushpin image courtesy of Darren Hester

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Copyright 2012 Lisa M. Hendey