God Can't Be Less than Perfect God Can't Be Less than Perfect

The Lord's will is always perfect. It is always just. It is always merciful. It is always loving.
No matter what is happening in our life, at any given moment, if God has allowed it, then He can use it to bless us; if we let Him.

Learning to trust God's perfection can take time.
It is a journey.
A beautiful one, at that.
We will be humbled, for sure.
We will be vulnerable.
We will be overwhelmed.

Yet, in time, we will realize a deep, abiding, and lasting peace and joy that envelops our soul when we learn to trust that whatever God has allowed in our path on a given day, is meant to be and is best for us; otherwise...He would not allow it.

Of course, this poses a difficult issue to "wrap our heads around" when it comes to suffering; and further, suffering of good and innocent people; like children, for instance.

Still, through prayer and the studying of God's word and the Catholic Catechism, we can come to understand that God only wants what's best for us. God only allows what is best for us.

God is perfect.

Therefore, when trials and suffering come our way, when we are faced with adversity, darkness, or persecution, and God does not remove that "thorn" from our heel, we can trust and believe that although we can not see it before us at the time, and we might never fully understand it while on earth, there is a method to the madness. There is a reason for the season. There is a blessing in disguise.

The trick is to hang on and ride the rough waters to the shore.
Christ is the master of our wave! Though there is a strong under-current, trying to pull us back out to the aimless, drifting sea, we can keep our eyes focused and ahead to the calm, strong, sturdy ground ahead. And, if we cling to Jesus and "ride out the wave", soon enough we will be standing on good old Terra Firma, once more.

Why do bad things happen to good people?
We do not know, except to say that God is a good God, a kind God, a compassionate God, and a perfect God; and though His ways are not our own and we can not comprehend His plan, we can believe, and can trust that it is always, always good for us.

Copyright 2012 Judy Dudich