The New Evangelization

Conversion Methodologies, discipleship, a committment to the Christian life, parish life, the Liturgical life of the Church (devotions and piety), the Christian family, Catechists and teachers of the faith, and the religious experience.

Once again, Justin Stroh, continues the discussion on The New Evangelization from the USCCB's document called "Disciples Called to Witness."  He divides this section into two parts since this chapter, though short, is longer than the others and covers all the venues of evangelization that I've listed above. Justin's Part one, discusses the conversion.

In conversion, a person is somehow led to Christ either by a friend, family member, or something they heard or read; whatever that influence is, the person is now open to learning more about Christ and the Church.  Conversion is something that happens deep in the heart of a person, it touches them in a way that spurs their interest and desire to learn more.  At this point and only at this point do we have hope for them to come fully in communion with Christ.  But until that time, we still have work to do for each and every person we meet.  We have to be examples of faith and love for Christ, in our actions and words.  One never knows when someone is looking!  What brings one person to loving Christ won't have the same meaning and/or impact for another.

Once the process of conversion has brought an individual wanting to learn more about Christ, we have to begin to nurture this interest with information, love, faith, and prayer for them.  Catechesis is crucial as a gradual and livelong process of conversion, drawing new believers into a deeper relationship with God.

The Methodologies are based on "the proclamation of the faith from Sacred Scripture and Tradition and their application to human experience, or they are based on human experience examined in light of the Gospel and teachings of the Church."

The document, "Disciples Called to Witness" by the USCCB, discusses the many methodologies:

  • Discipleship
  • A commentment to the Christian Life
  • Parish Life
  • Liturgical life of the Church (devotions and piety),
  • Christian family,
  • Catechists and teachers of the faith,
  • and the Human experience.

In the next part, I will share Justin's part b and I'll share my take on these aspects of methodologies as well.

Till then!


Copyright 2012 Ebeth Weidner