Daily Scriptures Reflection for Wednesday

Scripture: Lectionary 451. Sept.26. Proverbs 30:5-9. Psalm 119: Luke 9:1-6:

Those who follow Jesus closely share in his power and authority over evil and sin. The disciples are commissioned to spread the Good News to all the villages in the northern area called Galilee. Having learned from Jesus how to be disciples, they are now ready to carry out God’s plan and Jesus’ mission of salvation. They are called to be creative carriers of the Good News of redeeming love. The Twelve are to heal, to exorcise, and to proclaim the kingdom of God among all peoples. They take only the simplest of clothing and travel needs as
they move on the journey throughout the territory where Jesus started his preaching, teaching, and healing. All who receive them and the Good News are blessed; the others who do not are just passed by and left without the blessing of these missionary minded disciples. The kingdom is now and they are to preach it. Jesus has come and is among them in his disciples. They are to be other Christs. This, too, is our call from God. Our human dignity is respected by God calling us in this way and we are free to respond or to leave the blessing of discipleship. It is up to us. We are not to be afraid of the tasks of a disciple. Jesus is in the midst of us and will help us to overcome obstacles that keep us from witnessing to the person of Jesus and his Good News, the Gospel.

Our Psalm 119 is a magnificent hymn praising God’s teaching and revelation through the Torah and its precepts, ordinances, words, and commandments. It spells out our discipleship as followers of Jesus who taught Torah. The Psalm emphasizes the power and authority of God’s words. Jesus as the Word shares this same authority and power. This gives us confidence and we pray along with the poetic Levite who composed this magnificent psalm honoring the Torah.

The practical wisdom of Proverbs aids us in our simplicity and our need to do something with our discipleship call. This wisdom which is so practical acts as a shield for us. There is nothing false about Wisdom; it detests deceit or lying. Wisdom proclaims only the truth since it comes from the mouth of faithful disciples. As disciples we learn from all of our experiences how to become wisdom people. Just as the Twelve were called we too are called. They were the foundation of God’s renewed people, and we are their heirs who continue the proclamation of the kingdom. Amen.

Copyright 2012 Fr. Bertrand Buby, S.M.