Wait for the LORD, take courage;
be stouthearted, wait for the LORD! - Psalm 27:14

Wait for the Lord Wait for the Lord

Whenever I would get impatient, my spiritual director would quote this verse to me from Psalm 27. Most of the time I expected him to say this, but sometimes it would come out of the blue and I would have to just laugh.

I do not wait well.

I am hung up lately on keeping balance in my life. St. Benedict taught about the importance of keeping balance between work, prayer and study.

I don't do balance well.

Work. I have been so busy at work. I skip lunch. I worry about work when I am not there. And then I work on my computer at home, on my book, my blogs and my website. I enjoy it. I really do. But what happened to balance?

Study. I have not been reading lately. I love to read. But not lately. Why? I am too busy.

Prayer. I have not been praying like I should. I love to pray. I live to pray. But it is also a struggle lately. Prayer should come first. Obviously my life is not as balanced as it should be.

And I do not have some meaningful quote to give you or an epiphany of some kind. I am just struggling with it. And sometimes that happens. We get caught up in something and we have to wait it out. We can try to do our best to fix it, but then we give it to God and wait it out.

So that is where I am at. Waiting it out. Trying my best to balance on my own and then praying that God will fix it for me. Or point me in the right direction.

After all, it is almost Advent. Advent is all about waiting. And hope. And new life.

Come Lord Jesus, come.

Copyright 2012 Colleen Spiro