Daily Scriptures Reflection Daily Scriptures Reflection

Lectionary # 326. Hebrews 12:18-19.21-24. I Chronicles 29: 10.11.11-12, 12. Mark 6:7-13:

Jesus summons the Twelve (the apostles) and commissions them for their apostolic work among the neighboring peoples. What Jesus has preached, they are to preach. They are now well instructed and will have the authority to carry on his purpose and mission by casting out evil, by teaching, healing, and proclaiming the Good News that the kingdom of God is in peoples’ midst. God has not left us alone.

They are to be simply dressed and are to be focused on what Jesus has given them as their apostolic mission. Their one desire is to do what Jesus told them to do and to be “other Christs” for those who come out to hear them and receive them into their towns and homes. Repentance is the response they are to help bring listeners to. This has already been announced at the beginning of Jesus’ active ministry (Mark 1:14-15). This is also the call we will hear on Ash Wednesday as we prepare ourselves for the Lenten Journey with Jesus.

Rather than “giving up” things we are called to bring Good News to others at the end of each day. We can ask ourselves, was I “good news” to others today, or was I “bad news.” Our mission is one of building and extending relationships wherever Jesus leads us and to keep developing this sense of mission in our lives so that others become a part of it. We will be daily instructed by the readings of Scripture and summoned to do what Jesus would do by being who Jesus is. We are to be conformed to Christ and be “other Christs” in a world desperate for healing and reconciliation. It begins with our own being reconciled both with our families, our friends, and neighbors. We also have the sacrament of reconciliation that is of great help because it is a graced experience of God’s love for us. This sacrament helps us to be agents of God’s redeeming love while experiencing that love ourselves.

“Jesus, we wish to be one with you in proclaiming your Gospel of Good News. We realize the opportune time of the kingdom is here ( A Kairos not Chronos experience) and that we are to have a change of heart and to ardently believe in you and in the Gospel. Amen.”

Copyright 2013 Fr. Bertrand Buby, S.M.