An Alphabetical Lenten List An Alphabetical Lenten List

Accept the season

Break the chains that hold you from Christ

Cut out what is not necessary in your life

Draw close to Jesus

Embrace the Cross

Fast from being negative

Give of yourself

Help those in need

Ignite your faith

Journal what you learn this Lent

Keep your focus on Christ, not on your sacrifices

Love without expectation

Move closer to God

Nice to others

Obey the Word

Pray each day

Quiet, enter into it

Rest in the Lord

Seek God’s will

Tongue, hold it

United with all Catholics

Violet, the color of Lent

Walk with Mary on Good Friday

(e)Xamine your conscience and go to confession

Yearn for the peace which comes from God

Zap negativity with prayer

Copyright 2013 Deanna Bartalini