2013-02-13 13.13.00From infants to the elderly we are each reaching out for a hand to hold on to, a person who cares. We are searching from young until old and all inbetween for acceptance and love from others around us. We desire the love, the hugs, the touch of hand and the gentle smile giving us comfort for each moment we live. We are all alike we are reaching and loving and giving and hugging. We need love, kindness, forgiveness and care it doesn't matter if we say we do not we were programmed by God to desire that love.

She may be foul and he may be crude, she may be grumpy and he made be rude but they all deep down are reaching with their complaints and their grumps for someone to hear them and acknowledge their existence.

So we visit, we smile, we sing, we make cards, we pray and we shake their wrinkled hands we love them for a moment and then we walk on. Alone they are left with the memory, the warmth and the fading smile of the youth. For a moment they held a hand, listened to a song and reached the youth and felt the love.

We are all reaching from young until old we are reaching for love...

Copyright 2013 Lori Hadorn-Disselkamp