...I must admit, when a Christian friend asked me this question during the recent selection of Pope Francis, I probably didn't articulate as well as I could have. I muttered something about how he is the successor to Saint Peter, but - truth be told - I couldn't answer much more than that. She followed up with a, "Do you worship him? Is he always right in everything? Can he say he doesn't want the job even if the cardinals pick him?" It was like BAM-BAM-BAM - and the questions kept coming. Some I knew, others were questions I had asked myself.

So - research mode! I started to dig into these questions - and so, so many others - and realized there was so much information out there that to answer just a few questions on a single post would make the post insanely long. Instead, each question will be researched, reviewed, and compiled into the (un)official Popeinary - a dictionary for all things Pope!

popeinary pope dictionary questions on the pope
Click HERE to access the Popeinary

Copyright 2013 Jen Frost