Sending prayers for our friends in Boston Sending prayers for our friends in Boston

Today, there are no words to express the extreme sorrow I feel as we watch the events related to the bombing in Boston unfold. As I type this, just a few hours after two bombs exploded at the finish line of the Boston Marathon, news reports indicate that two have died (including an eight year old) and over 130 are reported injured.

Of course when I heard today's news, this mom's thoughts immediately went to my own son, a student in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Given that it was a Monday, he was at school and nowhere near the incident. My first call was to him to say, "Stay inside please." Then my mind went to so many other friends who live in that area and to all of those who were visiting town for the race. It's amazing to watch the footage and to see how quickly the first responders and volunteers reacted -- running literally toward and not away from  the explosion.

On a day like today those of us who are so far away from this tragedy can really only pause and pray. We're reminded to check our own personal safety, but frankly also our first instinct is to reach out to loved ones and to examine the state of our own consciences.

We'll continue to watch the news unfold. As we do, please join me in praying for the repose of the soul of those lost, as well as the safety of those who are investigating the crime.

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord,
and let perpetual light shine upon them. 
May the souls of the faithful departed, 
through the mercy of God, rest in peace. 

Copyright 2013 Lisa M. Hendey