
Update: Lisa here, requesting additional prayers for all of those who lost their lives and loved ones in West, Texas. We will resume normal publishing on Monday and appreciate your prayers during this time of loss. LMH

This morning, our country is on edge, praying with and for our friends in Massachusetts as we watch a week of tragedy and terror unfold.

In light of the events of the week and in order for all of us to focus on prayer for the safety of the law enforcement officers and the souls of those who have been lost, I am electing to suspend our normal publication schedule on through Monday. As we watch the bravery of our Boston friends, it feels somehow wrong to continue things here with "business as usual".

Please join me today in prayer and feel free to leave your comments and prayers below.

May God continue to protect those who so valiantly serve to keep us secure. May the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace.

Copyright 2013 Lisa M. Hendey