IMG_7870When I first had my oldest son, then I got a card from a friend, and all she wrote was this: "One day you will feel like you know what you're doing." Five years, many mistakes, and two other boys later, I kind of do. But that card let me start to trust myself more every day. Well, consider this your own card from an old friend. I've gathered the best, from friends to help you get through all the small but significant day-to-day acts of being a mom. Confidence, here you come.

"You'll get a lot of advice but every child is different so trust yourself." – Linsey

“Always make time for yourself...and always ALWAYS have a bedtime set for your kids...has worked for me... like a charm!” – Stacey

“Remember that each of your children has a different piece of Jesus' personality. I try to remind myself if this often. Even when they misbehave.” – Sandy

“Every phase I just that, a phase...grin and bear it or soak up every moment.” - Jena

“Get up in the morning before your children do. Pray then get dressed and be ready to face the day when they awake.” – Gwen

"Follow the 80-20 rule: 80 percent of your interactions with your kids should be positive, and only 20 percent negative. That means a lot of compliments, encouragement, and humor (jokes count!). Negatives include impatience. Though my daughter is still young, I try to remember, as she grows and our family grows, the importance of a warm, positive home." – Jillian

"My mother told me when I had my first child, "Being a parent is hard, but so is being a child." This helped me look at the world through my children's eyes -- through finger paintings on the walls, crayon drawings on the refrigerator, and the famous words 'Are we there yet?' When you realize you're learning the rules and boundaries together, it makes everything easier."- Laurie

"If you are hugging your kids (no matter their age), don't be the one to let go first." – Deniese

“With boys, having clear packing tape always available has been great for fixing broken swords, picture frames, furniture, superhero cars, tractor lifts and more. And you get to “save the day” over and over again!” – Laura J

Copyright 2013 Laura Buller