Bitten by the Comparing Bug Bitten by the Comparing Bug

Ouch! That old but familiar “comparing bug” stung me again.  Yikes!  It feels like a swarm of ants— only 100 times more irritating, nipping at my self-esteem.

It’s been a while since I’ve seen him.  I first recognized the “comparing bug” and comprehended his destructive power in my early twenties.  With a few simple techniques I released myself from his power to experience years of comparison-free living.

But just last week, he turned up again.  My first “comparing bug nibble” was triggered by a comment shared by another couple who invited our family  for dinner.  Then I unexpectedly got bit again by the  “comparing bug” when a client I hadn’t seen for a while came in pregnant in her 40s.

If we let him, the “comparing bug” will gnaw our soul, leaving us unsatisfied with ourselves and our lives.  But the “comparing bug” can actually become our friend, if we know how to tame him.

We compare areas that are tender and not where we want them to be.  Striving for Christian perfection is a lifelong process.  When the “comparing bug” bites it’s giving us a clue on where we need to focus our efforts and attention.

Tune in next time when I share the remedy to the “comparing bug”— benchmarking.  Use benchmarking to turn those jealous twangs into a lovely music that will guide your path to Godly excellence.

The Catholic Women’s Guide to Healthy Relationships Tip:  Be honest and aware about when you compare yourself to others, for deep inside it holds the secret to your greater happiness.

Copyright 2013 Christina M. Weber