Perfection: It's for God Alone Perfection: It's for God Alone

Well manicured greens, beautiful fairways; a fabulous golf course. This is a picture of the golf course that my husband takes care of for his job. There is an expectation that the greens be cut and kept to a very small size, that the greens are green and fast. That the course is beautiful and well maintained. It is not natural for grass to be cut to 1/8 of an inch and kept alive during the blistering heat of the summer. However, it is an expectation in this industry.

Our culture has expectations that are at times outrageous we expect perfection! Let me just say ‘’PERFECTION ONLY EXISTS WITH GOD!!!”

All those who believe they can reach perfection are setting themselves up for failure. Those parents who encourage their children to be perfectionist are setting their children up for failure. I don’t care how driven, intelligent, creative or awesome you are: YOU ARE STILL HUMAN! As long as you are human you will not attain perfection.

It is good to strive to be the best person you can be; to try to make A’s in school, to be the best in your field or career, to push yourself beyond your comfort zone. However, perfection is a different goal. We should have goals and dreams of our future but perfection is for God alone. Our dreams and goals should be to be the best we can possibly be with others, in our careers and in our faith life. A life lived as a perfectionist is a miserable state of being all you will find is disappointment where there should be joy and a lack of success.

Reach for your dreams and your goals. Push yourself beyond your comfort zone. Be the best you that you can possibly be but leave perfection to God and He will guide you to be the best you can be in this lifetime.

Copyright 2013 Lori Hadorn-Disselkamp