DGRCmom(popUnder) Today's Gospel: Mark 7:24-30

The scraps are enough to heal us. The very least that Jesus has to give us could transform our lives.

Imagine if we embraced even a tiny bit of the blessings and graces that Jesus has to offer us -- how would our lives be? The gifts available from heaven are abundant, so we do not need to settle for the crumbs, yet if that were all we allowed ourselves to dine upon we’d still be filled. Our lives would not be perfect or free from those things that worry, concern, or pain us, but there would be an inner peace and hope that can only come from heavenly things.

The woman came to Jesus prepared to be persistent, humble, and assured. She was persistent, clearly evident by her willingness to beg for satisfaction. Humble enough to address Him as Lord and take whatever scraps were offered. Confident in what He said was done had truly been done because she left for home at His command.

When was the last time I approached Jesus in that way – begging for some assistance, humbled by His majesty and glory, and yet completely sure that I would in some way receive a blessing – either the one I thought I needed or the one He knew I needed?


What is holding me back from being fed by Jesus? Do I feel unworthy of even the crumbs from His table? How can the woman’s example not only encourage me but also instruct me, to approach Jesus for help?


Jesus, I believe that you have so much more to offer me than I am ever able to accept. Lord I thank you for calling me to your banquet, and whether I put myself at the table for the feast or at your feet for the crumbs, help me to be always assured I will never be without your blessing and grace

Copyright 2014 Allison Gingras