
Today's Gospel: MK 8:34-9:1

How will you deny yourself today?

Will you forfeit time online to play with your children? Will you smile as you change the 10th diaper? Will you help your coworker with a project with no hopes of recognition?

What is your biggest cross you will bear today?

Fighting your own selfishness? Wishing away the days? Harboring hatred for another?

In what ways can you save another's life by losing your own today?

Will you choose to put aside your own problems today to listen to those of another? Will you ask your husband how you can help him instead of asking him to help you? Can you spare time to teach your children an aspect of the faith?

In what ways will you try to gain the world today? How can you avoid this?

Are you in some way seeking to be the best out of pride? Are you unnecessarily worrying about a future you don't control? Do you take more than your fair share of basic resources?

In what ways are you ashamed of your faith?

Will you kindly correct someone who is in need of redirection? Will you humbly admit your shortcomings and ask for forgiveness? Will you say grace in public before meals?

Deny yourself today. Fill up with Him instead.


In what ways do I put myself before others and before God? In what ways should I put myself before others so I can serve better?


Lord, show me the ways that I may diminish so that others can see more of you.

Copyright 2014 Jenna Hines