
Today's Gospel: Luke 24:13-35

What a stirring sight. An illiterate fisherman, a man who cowered in fear mere hours ago, now stands up with the eleven, raises his voice and proclaims the truth about Jesus. Peter does not just speak, he proclaims as he stands tall, with dignity, grace and courage in front of a crowd of strangers, men from all nations gathered in Jerusalem. This mere fisherman dares to preach with authority. Scripture flows effortlessly from his lips as he interrupts the Old Testament by applying prophecy and the words of King David to Jesus.

This scene describes  a miracle. A few hours ago,  Peter could not have spoken with such insight and wisdom. There is no way he could have stood before a crowd of wealthy, intelligent travellers and challenged their belief systems, convinced them of their terrible mistaken assumptions about the man called Jesus. No, there is only one explanation for this dramatic example of oratory skill, Peter is speaking with, in and through the power of God as a result of being filled with the Holy Spirit in the Upper Room.


Do you want to speak and write in a way that will touch people's hearts, that will literally convert them?


Oh Lord, forgive my arrogance. Forgive me for speaking without listening to Your word, and Your voice. Fill me like you did Peter on Pentecost with Your Holy Spirit so that every word that I write, every word that I speak are words of life.

Copyright 2014 Melanie Jean Juneau