Easter basket

As the heart of your Catholic family you make your house a home, haven, and domestic church by making the teachings of the Church practical.

So you celebrate Easter, Catholic-style, like Christmas.  On December 26th, you don’t dismantle the Christmas tree and store the decorations.  Easter begins (not ends) with Easter—after a hard-fought Lent.

Living the Easter season—the most sacred Church feast—with its message offers enduring wisdom can give your family practical ways to grow in their spiritual life, but also in the ways they interact at work, with relationships, and as they pursue their goals.  Incorporate these top Easter tips for businesses to keep the Easter themes alive:

1. Kick the Poverty Mentality

Scarcity thinking kills your business results, goal achievement, and joy. God always provides. We have time for what’s most important, but we must master time. With his rising from the dead, Jesus shattered the limited, non-eternal time paradigm.

2. Laser-focus on Your Mission

Jesus fulfilled his well-defined mission in His 33 years on earth. You, too, with the Holy Spirit’s guidance can discover and complete your mission on your earthly watch.

3. Guard Against Envy

The jealousy of the Jewish leaders illustrates how comparing destroys.    Extinguish the green monster and avoid people who nurse it.

4. Punt the “Easy Way Out”

Many disciples found Christ’s sacrificial love model distasteful. Caring for family, biz, and you takes discipline. Embrace your cross like Christ did.

5. Pour Yourself Out

Visualizing the blood and water flowing from Christ’s side represents how he gave everything to us. We must abandon ourselves to our mission.  Going at it half way creates suffering minus the satisfaction of achieving our goals.

6. Accept Human Nature

Some people may respond to our success with encouragement, but others may withdraw or be intimidated.  Like the betrayed Jesus, we must forgive, while advancing with our mission.

7. Cleave to the Loyal

Move away from those who discourage or impede God’s will and invest in the courageous supporters of Christ and advocates of building the kingdom like Our Blessed Mother, John, and Mary at the foot of the cross.

8. Can-Do Attitude

Christ showed He CAN overcome sin and death for humanity and was willing to walk through the steps and pain to get there.  When we unite our will with God’s, we CAN make the mom biz juggle work.

9. Surrender to Something Bigger

Being good stewards of our worldly possessions creates the foundation for ourselves and our families to fulfill the work God wants for them in this world.  Even Christ was restricted by time and space limitations.  Having money and time to invest and spend with people can produce eternal results.

10. Be Of the World, Not In the World

Sometimes it is hard for religious people to not compartmentalize their faith from their daily activities and needs.  God created the world with a certain order. Jesus came not to abolish the law, but fulfill it. As Eucharistic people God wants us to integrate in the world—in our business and personal matters—to let his light shine.

Orienting our goals, business, family and personal activities towards a deeper spiritual end creates meaning and will propel us to more effectively do what Jesus asks of us, “Go into the entire world and preach the gospel to all creation.

The Catholic Mompreneur Biz and Life Tip: Identify one Easter message you can refine for these 40 days of Easter in your business, family, and personal life.

Copyright 2014 Christina M. Weber