Lowering Stress and Anxiety

Are you often overwhelmed and frazzled, sometimes to the point of tears, with a to-do list so heavy that you feel buried under the weight?  And then do you feel guilty for fretting over something as unimportant as a list, when some are dealing with things like poor health or other real problems?

You might say that I know the feeling.

Lately, however, I’m gaining new clarity about this struggle in my life, mostly thanks to Jen.  In recent years, much of the meaningful advice or helpful observations that I’ve come across on motherhood, time management, and peace were from Jen’s blog.

Like this:  The Courage to Rest.  In that post she shares a powerful story about the daily schedule of Mother Teresa’s Missionaries of Charity, and she explains how bringing peace to our household often comes at the sacrifice of a large chunk of our to-do lists. 

Read the rest at Kelly's site.

Copyright 2014, Kelly the Kitchen Kop