Susan Bailey is a techie, I suspect, similarly to how I am. She's not writing code, but she's online in a number of places and using technology across the board, especially social networking and blogging tools. She's using her phone in ways that would make some people's heads explode (maybe mine too), and she's not afraid to jump in to try something new.
She maintains two sites, Be As One and Louisa May Alcott is My Passion, as well as social networking for both. You'll find her on Twitter, on Facebook, and on Pinterest (with more than one handle/page for each!).
Susan also writes for us here at and she's the engine behind our just-launched Jesus Book Club.
Formerly a musician, Susan appeared on EWTN, Catholic TV, and at World Youth Day. As former editor of GrapeVine, she encouraged other Catholic artists through the only e-magazine devoted to the promotion of Catholic music. She was the music editor of and a former contributor to “Today’s Catholic Woman” on Catholic Exchange.
Tell us about yourself in five words or less.
Passionate about faith, family, reading/writing.
Of your pursuits, what's your favorite?
When you think of the New Evangelization from your approach as a "Catholic Techie," what excites you? What makes you want to continue?
Connecting with people from around the world through my blogs and Facebook pages is exciting. As I have been pursuing my writing (a rather new vocation in my life) I have found my faith growing in leaps and bounds. When I share what I’m learning with others and find them connecting with me, I realize that God means for me to share it. Technology is a great tool (and it’s only a tool, much like pencil and paper) for meeting and connecting with others.
What's the most rewarding aspect of your work?
When someone says that something I wrote inspired or blessed or helped them, or expressed how they felt, it makes me feel like a million bucks! Then I know I was successful in doing what God wanted.
In your spare time, what are we likely to find you doing? Do you have a gadget in hand or do you go native and screenless?
I check Facebook and Twitter far too much on my phone. I listen to internet radio, music or podcasts in my car, or use my phone to record thoughts when I’m brainstorming during my long commute (which I do a lot – I’m the crazy person you see waving my hands and talking to myself while I drive!). At night when I go to sleep, I listen to the daily mass on CatholicTV – through my iPhone! I also love reading and writing on my Nook.
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Copyright 2014 Sarah Reinhard
About the Author

Sarah Reinhard
When she’s not chasing kids, chugging coffee, or juggling work, Sarah Reinhard’s usually trying to stay up read just one … more … chapter. She writes and works in the midst of rural farm life with little ones underfoot. She is part of the team for the award-winning Catholic Mom’s Prayer Companion, as well as the author of a number of books.