Martina Kreitzer is one of those people who, when I finally do meet her in person, I'll feel like I've known for practically forever. It has as much to do with how at ease she is in her writing as it is with the blogging she does.
Here, I'll let her have a stab:
Hi, my name is Martina. ::waving hello:: Who am I? Just after wife to my husband Neil, and mother to six – and a homeschooling momma at that, I am the foundress and contributing blogger {called Ink Slingers ’round these parts here} of Catholic Sistas.
And that, my friends, is Martina encapsulated.
She's one of the Catholic Sistas, as you see from her intro, and she's also on the executive board of Austin Catholic New Media. She's also quite active on any social media you can think of, especially if there are pictures involved (that's me talking, not her).
Pour a beverage and kick back for some down-home interviewin'.
Tell us about your blog in five words or less.
TransmittingTheFaithOneStoryAt ATime or
Witnessing the Faith to All People
Why did you start blogging?
I started blogging because I knew it was what God wanted. Sharing the Faith with other women through prayer and support in my online community finally had to make sense on a larger scale, and I have no doubt that the creation of Catholic Sistas was the answer to a seven-year-long prayer. I had continually asked God to show me how I could serve in sharing the Faith with others who also received poor to no catechesis during their childhood.
Why do you keep blogging? What's your inspiration to continue?
I keep blogging because I feel very strongly that God is calling me to. I actually cringe when I think about having to write because it is not my forte, and definitely not anything I find joy in doing.
Once in a while, I feel very passionate about a topic, and enjoy writing about those, but overall, I would not consider myself a writer - in fact, I often marvel at the wordsmithing of my fellow Catholic bloggers and wish I knew more than my 14 word vocabulary, lol.
When you think of the New Evangelization as a Catholic blogger, what excites you? What makes you want to continue?
Anything that calls and recalls Catholics to new or deeper levels of intimacy with Christ is always exciting to me! In the blogging world, especially for Catholics, the sky is the limit!
What's the most rewarding aspect of your blogging?
Primarily, I love that I can do it from home between loads of laundry, meals, and homeschooling. I remember having conversations with friends and fellow parishioners years ago because I really wanted to get involved in parish ministry, but I really enjoyed being online and at home and I knew whatever God called me to do after my primary vocation, it would have to jive with being at home, first. At the heart of it all, I knew that the home had to be first {even though I balked at that nugget of wisdom for many years} and that God would bless the rest.
Running the blog, writing, inspiring our contributors to take on certain topics or cheering on their ideas and projects, and seeing them come to fruition...whatever it is, it's always very rewarding! There is no way we could get top notch content and resources into readers' hands were it not for everyone taking on roles that fit their talents, while keeping our primary vocation at the center of what we do. Because our mission is basic - sharing the Faith no matter where you are in your faith walk - it allows us to dream big and do whatever we feel God is calling us to do.
In your spare time, what are we likely to find you doing?
I run a hair bow business - Holy Hair Bows - and I'm currently designing a hair bow holder modeled after my absolute favorite order, the Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist. I hope to unVEIL it {wah wah I'm so punny!} it at their fundraiser next month!I also enjoy pinning for the Catholic Sistas Pinterest account in my downtime. I love how many of our Catholic boards are a resource and an extension of what we seek to do with the blog. It can also serve to evangelize by drawing people in with the non-Catholic boards, such as our food, design and style boards - and, if someone happens to pop on by a Catholic board, well...that's win-win! :)
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Copyright 2014 Sarah Reinhard
About the Author

Sarah Reinhard
When she’s not chasing kids, chugging coffee, or juggling work, Sarah Reinhard’s usually trying to stay up read just one … more … chapter. She writes and works in the midst of rural farm life with little ones underfoot. She is part of the team for the award-winning Catholic Mom’s Prayer Companion, as well as the author of a number of books.