
Today's Gospel: John 16:29-33

There's a temptation, when my to-do list is a mile long and I get myself backed into a corner, to burrow down and focus on getting things done myself.

I'm not so different from my three-year-old son, really. How many times a day do I have to be reminded that he can do it HIMSELF? Some days, I smile at his insistence. Other days, I want to pull my hair out (and his too).

It is when I'm most busy and flirting with overwhelmed, though, that I most need the reminder from Jesus in today's gospel:

But I am not alone, because the Father is with me.
I have told you this so that you might have peace in me.
In the world you will have trouble,
but take courage, I have conquered the world.

Peace seems so elusive and impossible as I glance at the housework, catch a glimpse of my weekly commitments, consider my various lists and deadlines.

Though my work may seem to be in the world, Jesus reminds me that it's not. It's in him. He's not only walking beside me, but he's pointing me in the right direction, if I'll just stop trying to do it myself long enough to listen.


When do you long to have peace? How can you lean into Jesus today to experience the peace he offers?


Jesus, I want to do it myself. I'm trying to do it myself. I CAN DO IT MYSELF. Except you know better, don't you? I'm making a mess and I really need you to carry me. Help me find the peace you offer, Jesus, and to say yes when you offer it to me. Give me the grace to cooperate with your plans for my day. Thanks a bunch, with love, Amen.

Copyright 2014 Sarah Reinhard