This week, the small successes include dealing with some of those round-to-it-items-on-the-man-I-wish-this-weren't-on-my -list list.
We got the car fixed. I hate taking the car to the shop. We got health forms delivered and transcripts transferred. The realness of college coming and schools changing made summer feel as if were almost over, even though we only were out of school one week in some cases.
Lacking a schedule for the days, I've attempted to impose some degree of structure. Every day the kids must read, work outside, work inside, play, read, and exercise. We don't always get to everything, but it helps to have the checklist.
To help keep my own self more motivated and active, I started work on the 40 bags in 40 days, and am slowly whittling away the piles from my home as a result. We took down a crib, and we cleared out some broken things and outfits I wouldn't want to wear even if I ever got back to the size I was when I got them. It is a cathartic experience, to let go of so much stuff.
I filed some paperwork I'd put off and finished some old projects I'd let go a bit too long. The thing is, attacking the clutter in limited doses keeps me from getting overwhelmed and stopping.
Prayer life likewise can also overwhelm me if I try to do too much. Some days I can get through a whole rosary, and some days not. But the structure of the rosary keeps me praying, keeps me coming back . And while I may not get to everything, it is a goal to finish, and the rosary itself helps me to deal with the minutia of everyday life.
This week two toddlers started potty training. It's a work in progress but I can't tell you how happy I am they are even considering the prospect. My two teens started driving lessons. It's a work in progress but I can't tell you how happy I am they are even starting the project. Both transitions I suspect will take more time than I'd prefer to come to completion.
Here's hoping your week went well, and I'll keep you all in my prayers for the next. That's the plan.
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C0pyright 2014, Sherry AntonettiAbout the Author

Sherry Antonetti
Sherry Antonetti is a freelance writer, high school teacher and a blogger at Patheos. She and her husband live in Maryland with nine of their ten children and a puppy named Pumpkin.