
Today's Gospel: Matthew 24:42-51

A few months ago I had an epiphany of sorts.  I realized I was wasting days; having bad days that were my own fault and could be prevented if I were more intentional about my time and activities.  I would review my day before going to bed and find it very much wanting.  And I thought, “What if this was my last day?” or “the last time I was with so and so?”  I wasn’t saying it in a depressed way but rather in just my usual reflecting on my day way.

I realized I wanted to stop ending a day thinking it was a bad day.  And when we read this Gospel this is certainly one reason why.  We do not know when Jesus will come back or when he will call us to him.  We do not know when we will be asked to step up and serve.  We have to be ready to serve God’s people.  How can I be ready?  For me, it means each evening I pray and take time to plan the next day’s tasks.  It also means I take care of myself so I can serve where I am needed.  

This Gospel gives me hope that if we stay awake, we will someday go to heaven.


Have I been a “faithful and prudent servant” staying alert and serving those I have been charged to serve?  Do I stay focused on Jesus even when life’s struggles are many?


Jesus, we do not know when we will see you.  Help us to stay awake, paying attention to those around us and to you.  Thank you for reminding us to be prepared for your coming.  Fill us with the grace of the Holy Spirit so we can do our work.  Amen.

Copyright 2014 Deanna Bartalini