
Today's Gospel: Luke 2: 22-40

When I close my eyes and picture this scene I am overwhelmed with the humility and fidelity of Mary and Joseph. They held in their arms the Son of God, yet they never thought they did not have to follow the law. How different from people who think the rules don’t apply to them because they are special for some reason or another. What a beautiful example for us to follow.

If Mary and Joseph followed the precepts of their faith, that is our goal as well. Simeon and Anna believed without reservation that this child was the hope and salvation Israel was waiting for and a light for the whole world. Does it remind you a bit of your child’s baptism? It does for me, the thought that this new life brought to the waters of baptism would somehow change the world. Not as Jesus did, of course, but that as  child of God, greatness is their destiny.


How does this Gospel draw you into the life of Mary and Joseph as parents? How can your family be more humble and faithful?


Jesus, you gave yourself as a gift to Simeon, Anna, and all of us in the Incarnation. Thank you for that gift. Show me how I can better embrace the virtues of humility and fidelity as Mary and Joseph did. Amen.

Copyright 2014 Deanna Bartalini