Fight Fear with Prayer and Sacrifice -

The world is frightening right now.  While our brothers and sisters face martyrdom for their beliefs and tyranny is rising around the globe, we can feel helpless.  What can we do?  Sign an online petition?  Share a facebook post?  Call our Senator?

It seems hopeless.  We certainly can take some action, raise awareness, make calls, and donate to charities who are helping.  But these are such small efforts against large, scary enemies.  In reading through comments on social media, I find some wracked with fear not only for those directly in harm’s way, but for the future, themselves and their children. 

Fear is a powerful weapon.  It may be a weapon used by terrorists, radicals, and tyrants, but it is wielded most effectively by the true Enemy.  It is soul-crushing.  It is not of God.  

I’m not talking about healthy fear.  Fear can help us to take important action like running out of a burning building.  Fear can even be used as a synonym for awe as in “Fear of the Lord,” a gift of the Holy Spirit. But if fear makes us feel powerless and takes our hope, that is not of God.  In God there is always hope.  In God, there is amazing, confident, powerful hope.  This is because, in God, there is no limit to the power.  

I love the scene in C.S. Lewis’ The Magician’s Nephew where Aslan sends two adventurers on a mission.  They find themselves in need of food.  Young Digory wonders why Aslan didn’t provide for this need.  Surely he knows they would need food!  His wise and humble friend (a talking horse) answers, “I think he likes to be asked.”

Dear brothers and sisters of the Church militant, ask.  Our faith is our power.  Our God is our power and He can work miracles.  Pray.  Pray in small moments.  Pray the Rosary.  Pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet.  Pray Novenas.  Pray with your family. 

Jesus taught us to ask.  “Give us this day our daily bread.”  “Deliver us from evil.”  Remember the parable of the persistent neighbor?  (Luke 18:1-8)  Pray and offer sacrifices.

I don’t say this because I am a good example in this.  I am not strong.  I have doubt and I have been hopeless.  When Mariam Ibrahim had been sentenced to death, giving birth in prison for her faith, I prayed, but I felt hopeless.  I thought it was a lost cause. 

Well, God showed me.  I rejoice in His mercy for Mariam and I rejoice in His mercy for me.  I am one of those busy moms busy with kids in high school and diapers, busy with work and homeschooling, who doesn’t make enough time for prayer.  Even so, I am compelled to share this message.

So, we must all gather and unite and pray to our Father.  Pray to our Lord.  Pray to his mother.  Pray to our Guardian Angels, the Angels of those suffering, the Angels of our enemies.  We must pray for peace.  It is no small thing. 

Remember the Red Sea, the widow’s son, the Wedding at Cana?  Whether it be a war, a person in need, or even the smaller details of our everyday lives, He is there and He likes us to ask.  He LIKES it.  Don’t hold back.  There is no room for hopelessness.

Copyright 2014, Kate Daneluk