Of, course as Christians, we journey towards heaven. But sometimes the sea between getting from point “A”, the here and now, to point “B” our heavenly reward can get murky
Recently, my family and I vacationed in the New Mexico mountains on the Pecos River. Runaway fires tore through the mountains very near that cabin the summer before, destroying many of our favorite hiking trails.
The damage forced us to venture out. We discovered a popular trail leading to three mysterious caves, which the Pecos Indians believed to be a sacred ground.
But we didn’t reach the caves the first time we hiked the path.
Our kids ages, 13, 10, and 7, ran out of gas.
We queried the several hikers coming from the direction of the caves. Did they see the caves? How far were they from here? About how long might it take us to get there?
Were the caves worth the work to get there? We consistently got a resounding “yes”, inspiring us to figure out a way to walk far enough to reach them.
One hiker with a small girl a little younger than our youngest estimated the caves were two hours away, walking at a kid-friendly pace.
We headed to the trail next with a more realistic idea of the necessary time to reach the caves. But, we arrived at the trails later than we planned. We had to turn back for Saturday mass. I hiked a little ahead to see how close we were to the caves. I still wasn’t able to get close enough to see our desired destination.
Finally, our last day in Pecos, determined we found the secret caves, hidden in the mountain. We ate a sack lunch on rocks looking at their opening listening to the gentle waterfall and stream swirl around us. The caves were peaceful and holy. They were not that far from where we had been.
But because we didn’t know where we were going, we stopped short of our goal several times…very similar to what many aspiring mompreneurs experience.
Unfamiliar Territory
When you have never been somewhere before (like having the mom biz of your dreams), it is easy to miscalculate what it will take to get there. You may underestimate or underprepare what you actually need to do and the mindset you will need to have to achieve your goal. To determine business direction you must have orientation of where you are, where you want to go, and how to get there.
The unknown can create doubts. Can I do this? Is it worth it? Should I quit? Maybe this isn’t worth it.
Tenaciously pursuing and finding the caves gave us a sense of relief, accomplishment, and satisfaction. Getting an important part of your business to finally click and start seeing results delivers similar emotional benefits.
Moving forward over rocks and around sticks to ultimately reach your goals reassures you for the next challenge you will face in your business and personal life. It’s how you evolve as a business person.
Without goals to work towards or a guide you risk abandoning the effort. Experienced coaches highly recommend you prioritize getting a coach, even in your early lean years. Without one you risk that the doubt, unfamiliar territory, and illusive destination stifle your will to have the mom biz of your dreams.
Experience and Proper Guidance
Should we decide to return to Three Caves trail, our experience will be completely different. We will know where we are going and who we need to be and what we need to do to go there. The journey will be much quicker. We will be more confident. And with satisfaction we will get the results we want….just like for you when you get the proper guidance to your mom biz and life success.
Catholic Mompreneur Biz and Life Tips: Invest in coaching early on in your business to determine business direction will save you time, money, and mental anguish. For a complimentary Getting It Done session go to www.talktochristina.com.
Copyright 2014 Christina M Weber, MS
About the Author
Christina M. Weber
Christina Weber helps Christian biz owners to earn more in less time, have a greater impact, and live a life they love on a daily basis. Visit her website: http://christianbizownersonfire.com/