
Today's Gospel: Luke 12:13-21

One’s life does not consist of possessions. We moved last fall. We moved from a very small mobile home into a decent sized condo. However, the place was furnished so we brought only our bed, some bookshelves, and our personal items. We had to get rid of a lot of our possessions. Even though we had lived in a very small place, we had too much stuff.

Letting go is not easy to do but necessary. Whether it is material stuff or emotional stuff, we need to let go. Possessions in themselves are not bad. It is what we do with them. It is the value we place on them. They can own us without us even realizing it. If possessions are allowed to take first place in my life, then everything and everyone else takes second place, including Jesus Christ. What then rules my life? Where lies my treasure? What really matters?


What rules your life? Do you have something you need to let go of? What is your treasure?


Dear Lord, I want to put you first in my life. Help me to discern what I need to let go of. Help me to remember to put you first, for you are my treasure. Amen.

Copyright 2014 Colleen Spiro