
Today's Gospel: Luke 6:12-16

There have been times in my life when God calls me into deeper prayer. Sometimes I resist because times of deep prayer seem to precede major life happenings. In today’s Gospel, Jesus goes up the mountain to pray and then comes down and chooses his apostles. It's a pretty major event.

God wants to prepare us and give us what we need in our lives. There are challenges, trials and changes in life: loved ones die, children leave home, jobs are lost, babies are born. All life events, good and bad, can be cause for growth in our spiritual life. They might even be necessary for growth.

All the time, God is right there, we just need to invite him to walk with us and accept his offer to prepare us for what’s coming. I have learned that if I follow God’s leading into prayer, what happens next is less difficult and stressful to deal with because I am full of the fruit of prayer. It doesn’t mean I like what is happening or that it’s easy, it just means I know God is with me and his grace is more easily accessible.


If Jesus prayed, how much more necessary is it for me? What holds me back from praying? (not talking about logistics here, but rather in my soul)


Jesus, just as you prayed to your Father, guide me in my prayer. Teach me to go first to him and to always seek his strength, wisdom and comfort so that in my daily life I reflect you in all I do.

Copyright 2014 Deanna Bartalini